South America has it all. Beautiful beaches, the largest rainforest on the planet, the tallest waterfall, glaciers, world class surfing and snowboarding spots, plus a cultural diversity that produces incredible cuisine, entertainment, and art. Here are a few of my bucket list places to visit, and I’m sure some of them are on your list, too.
At the top is hiking to Machu Picchu in Peru. The Incan civilization is fascinating and also in Peru is the longest left breaking wave in the world at Chicama. Second would be the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador to go diving. Third would be to hike in Patagonia, Argentina. I’d also like to see the view from the Jesus statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
I have visited Columbia where I have cousins living in Caicedonia. That trip was perfect as we explored the farms in the region, sat in the main square of town or overlooking expansive valleys sipping coffee, visited the artist community of Salento, enjoyed a big family meal in the Corcora Valley, and went on a hike with a local outdoors group. It was a great opportunity to practice my Spanish. Here are some photos from that adventure – LINK.
South America Tours